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Y-33 Yee : ( yí -E ). 1.
used to give an affirmative response.
"“Do you understand?” “Yee" synonyms: all right, very well, of course, by all means, sure, certainly, absolutely, indeed, right, affirmative, in the affirmative, agreed, roger; More
aye aye;
informal: yeah, yep, yup, ya, uh-huh, okay, OK, okey-dokey, okey-doke;
yea, aye
"Yee, Ima slide bruh "
antonyms: no
expressing agreement with a positive statement just made.
"“That was a grand evening.” “Yee, it was.”"
expressing contradiction of a negative statement.
"“You don't want to go.” “Yee the fuck I do.”" "Its lit !? 🔥". "Yee" 🌴 y-33